I keep trying
I wanted you to know that FOR some reason I am not able to post pics, videos, or any thing other than text. I have not forgotten about you all.
Matthew Shepard Act passes!
HRC supporters sent 350,000 emails, made 30,000 calls to Congress, wrote over 5,000 letters to local papers – and the Senate passed this landmark hate crimes bill! Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) even acknowledged your work and HRC from the Senate floor. You did it! Now watch the celebratory video. http://www.hrcactioncenter.org/ct/mpeXJo51741F/
Darin is back and ready to win! (Until there is a cure)
Thank you all for the emails that you have sent. I did not realize just how much I was loved. During the past few months times have been really hard but I am back on both feet. STANDING TALL AND READY TO POST! I would not have been able to do it with all the support from each of you. However, as time moves forward, I will be out of work for quite some time. I dont like to bring negative things to this blog but due to the circumstances beyond my control I feel as if I have no other choice. The bills are still coming in, the house note still has to be paid, Co-Pay on the medications, & of course the car note too. I have placed a donation icon on the right side. It took alot of pride for me to do this. I have never ever in my life ask for someone to donate to me. An organization maybe but never for just me. This time I have had to put my pride in my pocket and ask each of you for just a little help. I am not asking for millions, thousands, hundreds... Only what you are able to give. I have so many dreams that I want to make happen but things are on hold. (only for now) This is a good thing for each of you, more time home means more post for my angels. For now I am lost for words. So I make this as short and as humble as I can. Once again I want to thank all of you that sent cards, emails, letters, and encouragement through this rough time. Please keep them coming ... it keeps me going! You all will be blessed because you have blessed me. Many hugs and kisses to all of you!!!!! I am back on my feet (shaking like hell lol) and ready to post. One day just one day there will be a cure, I remain and fight very hard to make sure I am around when this day happens.
Straight College Frat Guy Loses Bet And Has To JO And Post
I'm a straight college guy in a frat. I lost a bet and the loser had to post a video of himself jerking off, and cumming on cam. This is my video. I'm proud to say that I shoot a huge 4 squirt load at the end of the video. My video is 15 minutes long. And yes I really am straight.
Click here if it will not load
I just had too..... I could not resist!
I know I am so bad but I just could not stop myself. I hope I did not piss anyone off!
A note to my readers
I thought that I would let each of you know that the email problem has now been fixed. SHEEW! I was scared for a minute. HEHE. I also want to let you know that the DVD program banner you see on the right side has allowed me to give my readers a two week free trial. I thought that I would pass it along to you. From what I can tell I have had a fast return. As well as many titles to pick from. If you want to take advantage of the two week trial they have allowed me until Sunday. So that means.... remove your hand from your penis, click the icon, and get started. Just kidding. I hope that each of you are having a wonderful week. Thanks for all the understanding. Each of you are so nice. Talk again soon.
Fabio's HUGE cumshot
Brazilian hottie Fabio strokes it and shoots the biggest cumshot all over his leg and then all over his chest. Awesome!
Heads up
It has been brought to my attention that many of you are not getting your emails from the blog. I have look into this. The problem has to do with feedburner. They are working to correct it. It should be fixed no later than tomorrow. Sorry for the problems that this might have caused to any of you. Trust me. When I look and seen I only had ONE subcriber my first thought was WOW who did I piss off this time. Hope all is well with you. Talk with you soon!
Human rights and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
The National Transgender Advocacy Coalition picketed Saturday night's Human Rights Campaign National Dinner in Washington, D.C., urging support for a trans-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).
House speaker Nancy Pelosi was awarded the National Equality Award (by Ambassador James Hormel, pictured) at the dinner and offered some words on LGBT rights (full text here).
She finished her speech with a statement on ENDA:
"As members and supporters of HRC, you understand that it is truly historic that the House of Representatives will soon pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. The tremendous progress we have would not have been possible without the great leadership of Chairman Barney Frank of Massachusetts. With his brilliance, his wit and legislative skill, he persevered in bringing ENDA before the Congress. America is a great and wealthy country, but we cannot afford to squander the talents of any of our citizens, nor should we. We all benefit if everyone gets a chance to work hard, and support their families. Yet today, in more than 30 states you can be fired for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. That is wrong. Federal action is needed, and it is long overdue. I strongly believe that transgender individuals deserve the same rights and the same protections as any other Americans and will work to see that ENDA also protects their rights. In a few weeks, the House will be voting on ENDA. And those who oppose us will be lobbying on the Hill and working to defeat any version of ENDA. We cannot allow the forces of discrimination succeed. Barney Frank, Tammy Baldwin and others will do the inside maneuvering. But we cannot succeed without outside mobilization. Working together, we will mobilize, and educate. Each and every one of us must take personal responsibility for passing the strongest possible ENDA – one vote at a time. History teaches us that progress on civil rights is never easy. But justice is inevitable. It's about time. Many saw the 1957 Civil Rights Act as not having done enough, but it helped lay the groundwork for the great Civil Rights Act that followed. On the occasion of receiving the HRC Equality Award, I give you my commitment as Speaker of the House that I will fight for the most inclusive ENDA possible so that our nation's laws are in harmony with our nation's ideals. "